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From Data to Decisions: How Conversational BI Elevates Decision Intelligence

By June 3, 2024Business Intelligence7 mins read
Decision intelligence


Making informed decisions quickly and accurately is crucial for organizations to maintain a competitive edge in modern times. Right at the forefront of business intelligence, we have decision intelligence where three disciplines intersect – data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and behavioral science, to transform the way organizations approach decision-making. Meanwhile, Conversational Business Intelligence (BI) is emerging as a powerful tool to further enhance this process. In this blog, we will explore what decision intelligence entails and how Conversational BI can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

What is Decision Intelligence?

Decision intelligence refers to the process of utilizing data analytics, AI, and behavioral science to support and improve decision-making. It involves analyzing data to generate insights, predicting future trends, and optimizing outcomes. By integrating various technologies and methodologies, decision intelligence helps organizations make better, more informed decisions. Let us understand what each of the components in decision intelligence is all about.

  • Data Science: Involves collecting, processing, and analyzing large datasets to uncover patterns and insights.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Utilizes machine learning and AI algorithms to predict outcomes and automate decision-making processes.
  • Behavioral Science: Incorporates understanding of human behavior and decision-making processes to ensure that insights are actionable and aligned with organizational goals.

The Need for Decision Intelligence for today’s Organizations

Decision intelligence plays a critical role in improving business outcomes and strategic planning. By providing a data-driven foundation for decision-making, it helps organizations reduce risks, optimize operations, and drive innovation. It transforms raw data into actionable insights, enabling businesses to respond more effectively to market changes and customer needs.

Before decision intelligence, organizations were dependent on a traditional approach. Traditional decision-making processes rely on manual data analysis and intuition, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. These methods may not be able to handle the volume and complexity of data generated in today’s digital world, leading to suboptimal decisions. Some common challenges associated with traditional decision making are outlined below.

  • Data Silos: Data stored in disparate systems can hinder comprehensive analysis and insights.
  • Complexity of Data Analysis: Analyzing large and complex datasets requires specialized skills and tools.
  • Slow Decision Cycles: Manual analysis and reporting can slow down decision-making processes, causing delays in responding to market changes.

To overcome these challenges, businesses need more agile tools that can streamline data analysis and support faster, more accurate decision-making. This is where Conversational BI comes into play, offering a transformative approach to interacting with data.

What is Conversational BI?

Conversational Business Intelligence (BI) is a modern approach to data analytics that uses natural language processing (NLP) to allow users to interact with data through plain language queries. Unlike traditional BI tools that require technical expertise, Conversational BI simplifies data analysis to a broader range of users by enabling them to ask questions and receive answers in everyday language.

Traditional BI tools often require users to have a deep understanding of data structures and query languages, creating a barrier for non-technical users to leverage data insights. Conversational BI, on the other hand, leverages NLP to interpret and respond to natural language queries, ensuring anyone can view and act on insights.

How to Enhance Decision Intelligence with Conversational BI

Conversational BI comes as a natural ally to decision intelligence which strives to fast-track effective decision-making within enterprises. 4 key aspects of Conversational BI play a key role in improving decision-intelligence.


Conversational BI uses NLP to allow users to query data using natural language. This simplifies the process of data analysis, making it easier for users to extract insights without needing to learn complex query languages. By lowering the barrier to entry, NLP enhances decision intelligence by enabling more stakeholders to participate in data-driven decision-making.


One of the significant advantages of Conversational BI is its ability to provide instantaneous insights. Users can ask questions and receive immediate answers, allowing for quick and informed decision-making. This agility is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment, where timely decisions can have a significant impact on outcomes.

Trend Analysis

Conversational BI platforms leverage AI to forecast trends and patterns. This allows businesses to anticipate changes and proactively address challenges, enhancing their strategic planning and operational efficiency.

Momentary Information

Humans collect information in a linear method with a follow-up question for every answer. Giving them a clunky report with cluttered dashboard doesn’t solve the problem. Conversational BI solves that problem by presenting information in a more organized and orderly fashion with contextual follow-up questions.

Real-World Use Cases of Conversational BI powered Decision Intelligence

Conversational BI has practical applications across numerous industries, enhancing decision-making processes and operational efficiencies through real-time insights and data-driven strategies. Here’s a deeper look at how various sectors benefit from this innovative technology:


  • Risk Assessment: Conversational BI helps financial institutions identify and mitigate risks by analyzing large datasets in real time. This capability allows for early detection of potential issues, such as loan defaults or market volatility, enabling proactive risk management.
  • Credit Analysis: By providing comprehensive insights into customers’ financial behaviors and credit histories, Conversational BI enhances the accuracy of credit assessments. This leads to more informed lending decisions and reduced default rates.
  • Investment Analysis: Investors can leverage Conversational BI to monitor market trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and predict future performance. Real-time data and trend forecasting enable quicker, more strategic investment decisions.


  • Patient Management: Healthcare providers can use Conversational BI to analyze patient data rapidly, improving patient management. This leads to better patient outcomes through timely interventions and personalized treatment plans.
  • Operational Efficiency: By streamlining administrative tasks and optimizing resource allocation, Conversational BI enhances the operational efficiency of healthcare facilities. This results in reduced wait times, improved patient care, and lower operational costs.


  • Inventory Management: Retailers can optimize inventory levels by analyzing sales data and demand patterns in real time. Conversational BI helps in reducing stockouts and overstock situations, ensuring a balanced inventory.
  • Customer Experience: By providing insights into customer preferences and behaviors, Conversational BI allows retailers to tailor their offerings and enhance the shopping experience. Personalized promotions and recommendations drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Sales Trends Analysis: Analyzing sales trends helps retailers identify successful products and sales strategies, enabling them to focus on high-performing areas and improve overall sales performance.


  • Production Efficiency: Conversational BI provides real-time insights into production processes, helping manufacturers identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. This enables immediate corrective actions, improving overall production efficiency.
  • Quality Control: By continuously monitoring production data, Conversational BI helps maintain high-quality standards and reduce defects. This ensures that products meet quality requirements consistently.
  • Supply Chain Management: Enhanced visibility into the supply chain allows manufacturers to optimize logistics, manage inventory effectively, and reduce costs.


  • Student Performance Tracking: Educators can monitor student performance in real time, identifying areas where students need additional support and intervention, thus improving academic outcomes.
  • Administrative Efficiency: Conversational BI streamlines administrative processes, reducing paperwork and administrative burden, allowing educators to focus more on teaching.
  • Resource Allocation: Insights into resource usage help educational institutions allocate their resources more effectively, ensuring that funds and materials are used where they are most needed.

These are but a few use cases that demonstrate the transformative potential of Conversational BI across various sectors, enabling organizations to make smarter, faster, and more informed decisions.

How to Implement Conversational BI for Enhanced Decision Intelligence

Implementing Conversational BI involves several key considerations, but we can drill it down to 4 important steps.

  • Data Prep: Clean your data, prep it, and map it to the relevant fields between source and destination.
  • Train Synonyms: Once the data schema is visible, create and train the system on relevant synonyms for the dimensions.
  • Train Users: Provide training to ensure users understand how to interact with the platform and make the most of its capabilities.
  • Continuous Support: Offer ongoing support and resources to help users navigate the platform and resolve any issues.

How Kea can aid Organizations in Decision Intelligence

Kea, a leading Conversational BI platform, is well-positioned to adapt to and lead these future trends. By continuously integrating cutting-edge technologies, Kea ensures it remains a vital tool for businesses aiming to leverage decision intelligence.

  • Language interface: Ask your questions in simple English or just click the microphone and start talking to your data.
  • Response Formats: Responses in Numbers, Visuals, Voice along with Smart Insights and granular details
  • True Omnichannel: In diverse flavors to meet the needs of diverse user personas – Search, Chat, Mobile and Collaboration Platforms
  • Business Integrations: Turn insights into business actions with a wide variety of app integrations.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate and engage in a conversation with other users, right within Kea.


Decision intelligence is crucial for businesses looking to thrive in today’s data-driven world. By enhancing decision intelligence with Conversational BI, organizations can make better, faster, and more informed decisions. Conversational BI platforms like Kea democratize data analytics, improve real-time decision-making, and help businesses achieve their goals faster. Embracing these technologies not only enhances current operations but also positions businesses for sustained growth and success in the future.

Discover how Conversational BI platforms like Kea can transform your decision-making processes.

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